Ola Maciejewska

SUN 14 May — 5.00 pm S-klub

concept Ola Maciejewska
sound Alberto Novello
light design, technical direction Rima Ben Brahim
costumes Valentine Solé
production Élodie Perrin

premiere 20 November 2015

development and interpretation
Amaranta Velarde Gonzalez, (Keyna Nara) Maciej Sado, Ola Maciejewska

The production Bombyx Mori is a playful transformation of a previous
performance Research (2011) with which the Polish choreographer paid
homage to the pioneer of modern dance Loïe Fuller. Even though her
productions usually focus on the raw movement of the body, this time
a costume is in the centre of her attention. Natural movements of the
body completely blend with the materials, sounds and lights. Three dancers
explore the relation between human beings and physical substance.
The audience is guided to overcome the binary diversion of things standing
opposite each other where one of the symbols of this duality is for the
creators the silkworm moth or bombyx mori in Latin.

When the performers dance, their costume unveils in the space in form of
large ephemeral and elusive scrolls. Their heads disappear in the permanent
waves of black sails and human silhouettes are transformed into abstract
and sometimes terrifying sculptures. (…) The choreography is very
intense, it exhausts forms and bodies. From beginning until the end, the
audience remains fascinated by the ability of these costumes to produce
spectacular images of hypnotizing beauty.
Wilson Le Personnic, Maculture.fr, 25 November 2015

Ola Maciejewska is a choreographer and dancer of Polish origin who
works in turns in France and the Netherlands. After finishing the National
Ballet School in Bytom (2000), she continued her dance education at
the prestigious Rotterdam Dance Academy. After graduation she began
to work as a dancer and performer in works of Bruno Listopad, Nicola
Unger, Philippe Quesne, and Bojan Djordjev. While working for other artists,
she graduated from Contemporary Theatre and Dance Studies at the
University of Utrecht. She made a short dance film Cosmopol which was
premiered together with her choreographic debut Tekton in November
2014 in Geneva. Since 2016 she has been working as an associated artist
at the Centre chorégraphique national de Caen in Normandy.