Fernando Belfiore

TUE 16 May — 2.00 pm Konvikt / K3
WED 17 May — 6.15 pm Konvikt / K3

choreography and direction Fernando Belfiore
dramaturgy Mirijana Smolic
light design Wijnand Van der Horst
set design Nikola Knežević
sound design Sne Martin Snider
research creation and past performances Goran Kusic
research process Eva Susova, Tomislav Feller, Jordan Iffenildo
outside eye Riccardo Guratti, Renee Copraij, Vincent Riebeek
artistic coach Suzy Blok
production Sanne Wichman/ Dansmakers Amsterdam
PR Lisette Brouwer, Lisa Reinheimer/ Dansmakers Amsterdam

premiere 30 September 2016

creation and performance
Luna Eggers Matz, Rozemarijn de Neve, Maria Metsalu, Jija Sohn

Deus ex machina – the well-known principle of classical theatre describing
a divine intervention which solves the seemingly unsolvable problems
– is the starting point for Fernand Belfiore's work. However, the Brazilian
choreographer departs from the original meaning of the term and does
not offer a solution and therefore doubts the unshakeableness of human
control in the society. He looks for answers to the question who is “the
God from the machine” watching from above? Who serves to whom?
D3US/X\M4CHIN4 is partly a futuristic sci-fi and partly a Greek
tragedy. A contemporary ritual about dealing with technologies in
a completely new universe where future and past co-exist next to each
other. Belfiore creates an epic poem of Gods and humans, machines and
sounds and lights.

Fernando Belfiore (1983) was born in Brazil. At present he lives in
Amsterdam. He finished his studies of theatre at Sao Paolo Public
University – EAD/USP. And moved to the Netherlands where he graduated
from the School for New Dance Development – SNDO. He has
been working there as a guest teacher since 2012. For his graduation
piece The miserable thing (2011) he was nominated for the ITS Festival
Choreography Award and received an award for best direction at ACT
Festival in Bilbao, Spain. His last solo Al13FB<3 premiered at the end of
2014 and was selected to Aerowaves TopTwenty 2016. Last year he represented
The Netherlands at the dance category of Olympic Cultural
Program in Rio de Janeiro.
The central focus of his works is the body, the primitive and vulnerable,
often put into contrast with pop and mass culture. Each of his projects
provides the audience with new experience because he draws inspiration
from different themes and uses various experimental methods
of creation. His work is always intense, highly stylised, visual and radical.