Dániel Szász

FRI 12 May — 5 pm Divadlo na cucky / Wurmova Street 7
SAT 13 May — 3 pm Divadlo na cucky / Wurmova Street 7
SUN 14 May — 1 pm Divadlo na cucky / Wurmova Street 7

choreography Dániel Szász
light design and set Attila Szirtes
costume Edit Szűcs
music Balázs Barna

premiere 3 March 2017

performed by Dániel Szász

In his new solo piece, Hungarian dancer Dániel Szász leads us on an expedition into the unfathomable sea of instincts. His aim to chart the hidden corners of the human psyche was initiated by a personal experience of the dancer when a severe injury interrupted his career. The experienced trauma became an impulse for re-evaluation of his previous work and a new beginning. Deep inside there is a promise of setting us free from the image others form about us—an image which, ultimately, is something we create ourselves. But is there a way back to the surface from such depths?

Dániel Szász (1975) was born in Budapest. He interrupted his high school studies because of his interest in theatre making. From 1993 to 1997 he took acting studies within the framework of 7mirror Studio Theatre. He worked together with Árpád Sopsith, Péter Hollós and Attila Csabai, who invited him to his then forming company KOMPmANIA – established in 1996 by Attila Csabai and Márta Ladjánszki – which made him focus on contemporary dance. He had the opportunity to learn from such prestigious teachers as Frei Faust, butoh master Tadashi Endo, both of them had a substantial impact on developing of his own movement culture. For a long time he has been working with Réka Szabó, artistic director of The Symptoms, where he has constantly been involved in creation of their experimental, genre-expanding works crashing the boundaries of theatre and dance, in order to establish a new kind of theatrical language.

The movement built on dynamics reflects fragments of martial arts and the long-held poses remain beautifully alive. It is worth to highlight especially Dániel Szász's minimal movements, which are convincingly lived through together with his inescapable stage presence.
Nóra Gálla about Dániel Szász's dance style