Hamlet 1

SAT May 15 10:00 pm Konvikt / circus tent

William Shakespeare – Jiří Jelínek
Divadlo DNO Hradec Králové / CZ

director Jiří Jelínek
stage design Zů Vítková
cast Jiří Jelínek & Bára Kubátová

The gravediggers of puppet theatre have started the most glorious play of all. The young Prince of Denmark goes mad, but no wonder! His father was murdered. Behind the gates of Elsinor, a massacre is looming – who has the strength to avert it?! Who has the will to avert it? Turn up your radio, the rattle is going to be really loud! The gravediggers may well have relaxed by now, but not with this schizophrenic lively sprite around. The Divadlo DNO company have already committed variations on Cyrano, Faust, Jesus, Romeo and Juliet, and most recently on Richard III. It was only a question of time when Hamlet would feel the lash. Now the time has come!



DNO Theatre is an independent alternative puppet theatre company lacking a permanent scene. The DNO Theatre was established in 2000 by a group of actors, musicians and artists from Hradec Králové, East Bohemia. Since 2004, the theatre has had the status of a civic association providing for various theatre, music and visual art projects. Since its origination, the DNO Theatre has produced over 25 theatre and music projects and participated at many festivals in the Czech Republic (Puppet Chrudim, Přelet nad loutkářským hnízdem, Divadlo evropských regionů, Ostrovy-Islands…) and Europe (PUF – Slovenia, Bábkarská Bystrica – Slovakia, Eger – Hungary). The DNO Theatre combines puppets, old toys, hi technologies, live music in non-traditional puppet performances.

zpět: SAT May 15  pokračovat: SUN May 16