27th Flora Offers a Rich "Encore"
This year's edition of Flora Theatre Festival will have its unusual Epilogue 27DF in autumn. The programme, prepared in partnership with the Museum of Art, will offer productions by leading Czech theatre ensembles…

Divadlo Husa na provázku theatre with production Nie sme doma. (photo David Konečný)
The multi-genre programme of 27th Flora presented seventy events in May 2024 – besides theatre performances, also many talks, musical productions, workshops, a conference or an exhibition – and enabled some seven thousand visitors to have direct contact with important theatre personalities not only from the Czech Republic, but also from Germany, Austria, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova, France, Italy and Iran.
The unconventional autumn Epilogue of the 27th Flora Theatre Festival
From September to December 2024, the premises of Central (a venue of Museum of Art) will host a succession of Czech ensembles whose productions accentuate the festival's motto, Freedom. Olomouc will be visited by the Divadelní spolek Masopust theatre (Přípravy na všechno on Tue 24 Sep), Brno's Divadlo Husa na provázku theatre (Nie sme doma on Wed 30 Oct), Prague's Lachende Bestien (Jako lvi aneb Sestup a vzestup pana B. on Thu 28 and Fri 29 Nov) and the ensemble of Divadlo Na zábradlí (O Pavlovi on Sat 7 and Sun 8 Dec). The 27th Flora Theatre Festival will thus culminate with the staging of significant titles by renowned directors – Jan Mikulášek, Anna Davidová, Michal Hába and Anna Klimešová. Two items of the programme are also part of the SEFO 2024 Triennial.
Tickets for individual performances are available online or at the Museum of Art box office. For more information on each of the productions, please see the programme (in Czech).
The Olomouc Museum of Art (MUO) has been actively involved in the realisation of the last editions of Flora. Thanks to its cooperation with the festival, the MUO has hosted, for example, the legendary Berlin-based Rimini Protokoll, the works of stars of the German-language theatre scene Simone Dede Ayivi or Susanne Kennedy, and award-winning foreign performers – Boglárka Börcsök from Hungary, Daria Koval from Ukraine, Agathe Tarillon from France and Sahar Rezaei from Iran.
Photo Lucie Urban / Patrik Borecký / KIVA