Divadlo LOPOTA / DC 90 Topolany

SUN 14 May — 2.00 pm Konvikt / circus tent

directed by Jiří Přivřel

cast David Tököly, Miroslav Vyhlídal, Vladimír Kopeček, Ján Říman, Zuzana Bezrouková, Jiří Přivřel

An eruptive road movie which will turn the rotten theatre boards into a dauntless rowing boat taking the brave crew of adventurers to unreachable distances. A production which will remove the unwanted blue-green alga from the still waters. Did you know that sailors are humans just like us, only affected by love to what we call “home”? Pathos overboard! This burning hot theatre hit of the summer will stir your body and spirit.

DC 90 o. p. s. Topolany was established in 1990. It aims to organize and maintain a system of qualified and modern care for people with mental and combined handicaps, mainly in the form of day care centres and sheltered workshops.  Since 2010 the Divadlo Lopota theatre has be operating under the DC 90 o.p.s. and each year they prepare a new production with the clients even though they found their name only this year. Currently they have three productions in their repertoire Home is Home(2015), Hamlet and Andělských křídel šumění (both 2016), which they perform at public events such as gallery openings and the European Heritage Days at the Museum of Art in Olomouc.