
    May 18th Wed, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM | Konvikt – filmový sál




    Drama about the stigma of the past. A journey back in time in a feature film by the co-author and director of the festival production Mein Reich ist von Dieser Welt.
    (Czech Republic 2021 | directed by: Miroslav Bambušek)
    Ticket price:

    The first feature film by the versatile creator Miroslav Bambušek depicts a fanciful journey through the post-war Czech-German border area, but also touches upon actual events in the vanished village of Vitín in the Ústí and Labem regions. The topic of searching for one’s own identity over the course of history relies on the emotional memory of the Sudetenland. However, the timeless film could be set in any other period of our modern history which the Czech society cannot acknowledge in a relevant way and come to terms with. The visual concept of the film, which deviates from the usual local production, was prepared in cooperation with the artist Josef Bolf. Already in his previous, rather experimental film Jan Hus – A Mass for Three Dead Men (2009), Bambušek focused on the clash of an individual with power and with his own conscience. The director also elaborates on the motif of ‘critical sacrifice’ in the productions Heretical Essays and Woyzeck, which are also part of the autumn 2021 Flora. The anti-war theme is also seen in the Mein Reich Ist von Dieser Welt production. The film drama Blood Related is an almost imaginative “way of the cross” through the time-barred history to reach absolution and reconciliation.

    script and directed by Miroslav Bambušek

    photography Jakub Halousek
    editing Jan Daňhel
    dramaturgy Kristián Suda
    music Tomáš Vtípil
    conception of masks and costumes Zuzana Bambušek Krejzková
    visual concept Josef Bolf

    Miloslav KönigKarel DobrýMiloslav MejzlíkJuraj BačaTereza HofováJakub GottwaldJiří ČernýJakub FolvarčnýTomáš Bambušek

    Film was awarded the audio-visual award Trilobit 2022 for the script and directing as well as the Revolver Revue Award.


    The theatre and film director, playwright and screenwriter Miroslav Bambušek (1975) views theatre as a means of reflection on political and social themes.
    As a graduate of philosophy, he is inclined to multi-layered original texts which he provides with distinctive, erudition-based stage form. He oscillates between the format of documentary and open performance focusing also on staging in industrial spaces connected with memories of certain events (cycles Perzekuce.cz or The Energy Pathways).
    In the context of Czech theatre, Miroslav Bambušek is a director with a grand expressive gesture, an exalted visual aspect and sound opulence which never goes against the meaning of the text. Apart from the visuals, music plays just as important a role in his work. Besides Vladimír Franz and Petr Kofroň, Bambušek regularly cooperates with Tomáš Vtípil whose composition accompanies Bambušek’s remarkable interpretation of Büchner fragment Woyzeck (2021 Flora), which resulted in Theatre Critics’s Award for Vtípil in 2020. His compositions also underscore Bambušek’s first feature film Blood Related (2021), which reflects the post-war period at the Czech-German borderlands and most importantly the traumas that persist over generations.
    photo Aerofilms